Licensed Process Servers | PILB License #2782

As of July 1st, 2020, we will begin limited business hours from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. M-F excluding holidays.  Physical business hours will be by appointment only and wearing a face mask will be required.

You may use the url below to download the notice & eviction timeline chart:

Please request notices as we are allowed to do them by emailing a completed notice request form.

As of now, Transient Lodging (Motelsmay be served all notices including non-payment.

As of July 1st, Commercial properties may be served all notices including non-payment.  Late charges may not be charged for any rent due between 3/30/20-6/30/20.


As of July 1st, Residential properties may be served a 3-day Foreclosure/Sale notice followed by a Formal Eviction (requiring an attorney).

As of August 1st, Residential properties may be served a Tenancy at Will, Nuisance or Lease Violation notice, or begin actions based on continued possession after the lease term.

As of September 1st, Residential properties may be served 30-day or a 7-day Pay or Quit notice and resume late charges. Late charges may not be charged for any rent due between 3/30/20-8/31/20. 

Although not required, payment arrangements for rent in arrears is strongly encouraged. The suggested maximum payment for rent in arrears during the Moratorium is 15% of the periodic rent in addition to the full current rent.

You may use the url below to download the lease addendum and promissory note template:

*If you get these addendums worked out and signed now, if the tenant misses a payment you can serve a Lease Violation as of August 1st instead of waiting to serve a Pay or Quit on September 1st*


Unless covered under the Emergency Exception Guidelines, all notices served and evictions filed but not completed before or during the Moratorium are considered void.

Continuances of Cases with a hearing or pending a hearing will begin as of August 1, 2020.

*If you had an eviction with NMI pending at the beginning of the moratorium; we will call you and advise you of its status or the new hearing date.

Las Vegas Justice Court phone is 702-671-3478 press 4

The Federal Moratorium on evictions for any property financed through FHA, Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac programs has been extended until August 31st.

Emergency Exceptions for Nuisance and Squatter still apply.

Assistance is offered as follows:

Nevada Legal Services at (702) 386-0404

Legal Aid of Southern Nevada at (702) 386-0404 or

Civil Law Self Help Center at (702) 671-3976 or