Las Vegas and the surrounding areas have always been very transient when compared to other major cities in the United States. While there are apartments complexes in Las Vegas that only offer their units exclusively, most of them house non-exclusive residents from all walks of life. For this reason, Southern Nevada is full of competitive apartment complexes and mobile home parks. With housing in such high demand, it makes sense that Las Vegas landlords want to secure the best tenants they can. Sometimes, this means evicting problematic renters in favor of more reliable tenants. Luckily for landlords, we have you covered for all your Las Vegas process serving needs.
Process Server for Evictions in Las Vegas
In the state of Nevada, Senate Bill 151 was recently passed and went into effect on July 1, 2019. Part of this Bill states that an eviction notice can only be served by an attorney, Constable or licensed process server. In the past, landlords of apartment complexes and mobile home parks in Las Vegas could simply serve the eviction notice themselves with no issues. However, this is no longer the case.
If you are the landlord of a Las Vegas apartment complex or mobile home park, it’s important to understand this new law. Even if you hand-deliver the notice to your tenant in person or send it via certified mail, it will not be considered a legal serving in Nevada and you will not be able to file with the court until the notice is properly served. Process servers are licensed professionals with the authority to serve the eviction notice in Las Vegas.
Constable’s Office Fees
If you choose to go through the Constable’s Office to serve the eviction notice to your tenant, there are fees associated with this service. In addition to the fee, you will also be charged $2.00 for every mile the representative from the Constable’s Office has to travel to serve the eviction notice. In the end, the costs can really start to add up before you even begin the eviction process, particularly if you do not live near the Constable’s Office.
Unlike a professional eviction services company that is also a licensed Las Vegas process server, a Constable does not assist you in choosing the right eviction notice to use. Additionally, the Constable’s fee does not include preparation of the notice or any kind of consultation on the matter. NMI Eviction Services doesn’t just prepare and serve the eviction notice, but we also make sure that you are using the quickest and most appropriate eviction notice for your tenant situation.
Eviction Notice Turnaround Time
Before the eviction court process can even start, the correct eviction notice must be served to the tenant, and the appropriate number of days need to pass without a response from the tenant. When working with the Constable’s Office, it can be difficult to find the time to handle everything on your own. It can also be confusing if you are not already familiar with the process.
The Nevada eviction process involves going to the Constable’s Office before the notice is served, as well as after to collect the notice and bring it to Justice Court to file a Complaint for the Summary Eviction. Furthermore landlords also must wait for the Constable to schedule a deputy to serve the notice, which can take anywhere from the next business day to a week at times. When you work with the NMI Eviction Services team in Las Vegas, we are able to file this on your behalf, saving you time and making sure it is done as quickly as possible. This way, you can focus on your other tenants and landlord responsibilities without having to deal with the stress that comes with an eviction.
Notices Served to Tenants of Apartment Complexes and Mobile Home Parks
Whether you are the landlord of an apartment complex or mobile home park, there are different eviction notices that need to be used for specific situations. Licensed process servers can serve all types of eviction notices, including:
● 7-Day Notice to Pay or Quit – This is the most common eviction notice served. If a tenant has not paid rent by the due date, this notice requires that it is paid within 7 days or the tenant must leave the property. If neither happens, the landlord can move forward with a Summary Eviction.
● 3-Day Nuisance Notice – There are several reasons this notice can be served, including the tenants illegally subletting the property, excessive waste, conducting illegal business, or violating controlled substance laws.
● 5-Day Lease Violation Notice – This notice is specifically for tenants who are violating the lease agreement and have 5 days to “cure”, or fix, the issue or leave the property.
● 5-Day Notice to Quit for Unlawful Detainer – This notice is a follow-up to other notices, including a 3-Day Nuisance Notice and 5-Day Lease Violation Notice, and needs to be served before filing a Summary Eviction.
In addition to eviction notices, you may need to serve other notices to your tenants in either an apartment complex or a mobile home park. While these two particular notices do not need to be served by a licensed process server, they do need to be worded correctly and sent properly. NMI Eviction Services has over 30 years’ experience with properly serving these notices. These notices include:
● 24-Hour Notice of Inspection or Repair – If you need to enter the property for the purposes of inspecting the unit or performing a repair, you need to give the tenant fair warning in the form of a 24-Hour Notice of Inspection or Repair.
● 45-Day Notice of Rental Increase – When landlords intend to increase rental rates, it can’t just be done overnight. A 45-Day Notice of Rental Increase needs to be given to your tenants, and will only apply if the tenant’s lease agreement has expired by the end of those 45 days.
Other notices NMI Eviction Services can serve are a 4-Day Squatter Notice to Surrender, 3-Day Foreclosure Notice, 60-Day Change of Ownership Notice, and more.
To learn more about Las Vegas process servers and eviction notices, contact the NMI Eviction Services team today! We have decades of experience working with Southern Nevada landlords of apartment complexes and mobile home parks for speedy and successful evictions. As a licensed process server, we’re able to serve any legal notice with minimal fees and a quick turnaround time, especially when compared to working with the Constable’s Office.